Discover, Design and Develop: We Dare You

Want to see yourself differently? Start doing things differently. It’s one thing to dream about being the next big entrepreneur under 40, relationship coach or CEO but it’s another to do something to make those dreams a reality.

You have the power to change your own life. You’re responsible for your own happiness and seeing that you grow into your purpose.

But I know this easier said than done. A lot of us, don’t know how to do that!  We don’t know where to go and who to trust as we work on building better versions of ourselves.

But can I tell you, something girl? You can. YOU. CAN. DO. THIS. You hear me?!

If I had never gone through the worst marriage of my life, sought after God with all my heart, discovered my gifts, and loved on His people through it all, there would be NO Woman U. Thank You, God!

You have the power to change your own life. And I’m here to help you do it through Woman University.

Here’s how…

First, you’ve gotta Discover U

Who are you and what did God give you to do while you’re here?

This phase of the program will help you identify where you are right now in your life and where you wanna go starting today.

With this process, you’ll discover more about yourself and your goals through:

  • Intimate one on one and interactive group coaching sessions
  • Motivational mentorship calls to aid with personal responsibility, accountability, self-awareness, improved creative and critical thinking skills
  • Self-Reflecting Sessions
  • Journaling
  • Support Groups

Next, you’ve gotta Design U

After you discover who you are and what you wanna do, you’ve gotta shape those things into something desirable, something that can only be designed by you.

With this process, you’ll learn how to design your life through:

  • A personal roadmap by using research, mentors, timelines, and SWOT analysis
  • Goal Setting Exercises
  • Weekly group coaching or one on one sessions 
  • Education from experts in leadership, communication, financial literacy and interpersonal skills

Now for the Dare, (there’s always a dare with us)

Other programs don’t get down to what makes you tick. Those triggers you may or may not know about.

At Woman U, we do, and we dare you to move past them so that you can operate in your gifts, the areas of your life you excel in.

We do this through our signature gift test and personal evaluation of its results. But no trade secrets here. If you help with discovering your gifts and how to use them, you’ll have to put the work in just like everyone else. Click here to learn more [I’ll add open house link here].

Finally, you’ve gotta be willing to Develop U 

You’ll uncover entirely new things about yourself while in the Woman U program, things you’ve gotta be willing to develop. We can help you discover your gifts, we can guide you on what to do with them, but we can force you to take them seriously or to invest in them further.

That’s up to you.

But should you choose to take the next steps in maximizing your newly found gifts, we can help you through:

  • Monthly strategy sessions on essential tech skills to maximize your budget
  • Brand exposure
  • Growth strategies for business

Learn to see yourself differently, design the future you want, and equip yourself with the right skills and opportunities to achieve your goals. 

Are you ready to take that first step?

I’m waiting for you.

-Kathy Hood

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