Discover your true gifts.

Design your dream.


Marvelous Light helps displaced, unemployed, and underemployed women discover their true purpose and start living their destined success.

Whether you feel like you’ve got it all together or everything feels like it’s falling apart, we’ll help you find and claim your place in the world. Marvelous Light programs are specifically targeted to women who want to start businesses, advance in their careers, or simply grow into their confident strength.

Let’s get to know one another…

Hey there! I’m Kathy Hood, Founder & CEO of Woman University.

It is my pleasure to welcome you to WomanU and I look forward to meeting you soon.

Woman U is the work of my heart.

We started in 2012 as a project of my nonprofit, Marvelous Light Empowerment Association. Over the years, WomanU has grown far beyond my expectations, and now we serve women internationally, supported by major funders who are equally passionate about women’s empowerment and growth.

I look forward to seeing YOU in my Discover U sessions.

Don’t wait, start your Woman U journey today!

Signature Programs

Woman University & the State of the Woman Address are MLEA's longest-running programs, serving women for over a decade.

Woman University
Woman University is a global mentoring and coaching program dedicated to empowering women to build businesses and communities that are fulfilling, sustainable, and profitable at any stage of their lives.
The State of the Woman Address

Heading into its 9th year, the State of the Woman Address is an annual women’s personal, professional, and financial empowerment conference presented by Marvelous Light Empowerment Association.

What Do They Say About Our Woman U Program?

Since 2012, Woman University has been a force at work in changing women's lives. Here are a few words from ladies who have been there, conquered that!